Disinfection & Hygiene
Bacteria | Funghi | Viruses
Protection against infectious diseases – disinfection.
Protect life with simple means.
Professional disinfection, qualified hygiene as well as a precise cleaning, sustainably protect the household, furniture, animal housing and the environment of humans and animals. It is effective against bacterial pathogens e.g. Salmonella and Coli germs (intestinal diseases) and fungicide pathogens. All these measures are easy to implement with a high benefit for humans and animals.
“For climate protection it makes a significant difference, whether fertilizers and pesticides or agroecological cultivation methods are used.”
(© Marita Wiggerthale in relation to “People-Centered Resilience”, 2010)
The product brand Silence is a good choice to do something good for our environment.
Schopf Ecoline GmbH
Elektronstr. 8
06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Phone: 03493 – 72720
Fax: 03493 – 797916